In PowerShell 7 run as admin if you have the Exchange admin role:
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity “Exact name of Microsoft Team” -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $false
Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity “Exact name of Microsoft Team” -HiddenFromExchangeClientsEnabled:$false
Once these settings have been applied, wait a minute, then any owner or member of the group whose settings have been modified can take the following steps*:
Outlook web app:
CTRL+F5 to refresh your calendar page in your browser and check under “Groups” on the left side column
New Outlook:
-Close out of New Outlook and reopen it, then check under “Groups” on the left side column
Outlook Desktop App:
Close Outlook and reopen it, then check under “All Group Calendars” on the left side column
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